Originally Posted by hatari
Originally Posted by The_Real_Hawkeye
Just got back from my annual visit with my primary care doctor. While there, I asked for a prescription for Ivermectin in case I should ever have early symptoms and test positive for COVID19. He seemed confused, and asked why I would want to take a medication for parasites as a treatment for COVID19. He had literally never heard of that, and his practice is associated with a major medical school in the area. Is that possible, or is he BSing me?

Anyway, I didn't get the prescription. He assured me, however, that he was confident I'd be able to come in for the vaccine some time in February (despite the fact that I never asked about the vaccine). Oh boy!

Ivermectin is way off label for Covid e.I. not approved i. e. Any doc who prescribes it has their bare ass hanging in the wind for liability should ANYTHING adverse happen.

I’ve used it, I’ve prescribed it to family members, I’ve introduced it to a number of my MD buddies.

Any docs that are part of a bigger group will almost never prescribe off label treatments. Their group will not allow it.

Things you need to know.

Precisely why would a doctor risk their license and monetary liability on a off label, unproven, or an investigational treatment?

Unless the MD is a relative or close hunting buddy good luck on getting that Rx.

Grandpa fought Fascists in WWII, Dad fought Communists in Vietnam. - American is meant for the middle.