Polypro long johns with sock liners and smartwool socks... good warm boots. Any kind of camo pants work... then use 35 year old Columbia Camo Insulated bibs. Light T shirt under a light fleece with maybe another fleece over it. Then a Columbia Wigeon (3 in 1) jacket.... sat out in 6 degree weather and never got cold at all. Balacava and gloves make you warm.

It's all about layering, and regulating heat and moisture loss. Have an old Browning Hydrofleece (3 in 1) that gets used all the time too.

No doubt you can go out and buy better stuff now a days... the old stuff I have works so why buy again. buy once, cry once...

"If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went"
Will Rogers