Depends on your perspective......

There isn't a gun I have that's not expendable. In fact, more often then not, it's going down the road for something else shinier.

If you already own the action, and it's your "forever" build, and or it holds some personal value, in the long run, the cost of truing is a moot point. If you're gonna flip it, it'll be money down the drain. If you build on a custom and flip it, you'll lose too. I just proved that point trying to peddle a custom on a Bat action. I decided to keep it & flip a different 700, than to lose my ass on the full custom.

I feel I'm capable enough on load work to get most of the goodie out of a stock action build, that a trued action would be hard to improve on enough to drop the coin on.

Whatever blows your skirt up, as there's no wrong answer......