Originally Posted by AcesNeights
When the last shortage happened during the Obongo administration I’d put ammo out at different times so there was no predictable pattern. Putting ammo out in the morning seemed to favor those that didn’t work (retired, unemployed, etc) which didn’t seem fair to the working man. We had some GREAT customers that weren’t buying guns and ammo for resale but instead they were buying them to use, as it should be. When we got ammo deliveries I always set some aside for our good customers. I figured that they supported me by buying from me when they had other options so now it was my turn to support them. I also kept ammo in back for the guns we had for sale since it makes no sense buying a firearm if you can’t get ammo for it. By caring about my customers and looking out for them I established a relationship (and friendships) built on trust rather than money.
I lost money on a few sales because I’m a sucker. One transaction that stands out was a young man about 12 or 13 that would stop by after church every Sunday with his dad to look at rifles. The young man wanted his own hunting rifle and was mowing lawns, washing cars and doing whatever he could to earn the money. I had bought a rifle from a customer that was a perfect fit for the youngster. I kept the rifle in back until he came by and when I brought it out the young man’s eyes lit up, at that moment I knew that he should be the next owner of that rifle. It was about $100 more than he’d budgeted but I wasn’t going to let that stop him from his dream. Short story long.....he bought the rifle for the exact amount that he had saved up which was about $75 less than I paid for it. I put a set of Leupold rings and bases on it for nothing (another $40 “loss” for me) and I found a nice sling and Plano hard case for the young man to transport his treasure. I told him that if he saved for a scope that I’d sell it to him for my cost and not a penny more which he took advantage of. I mounted the scope and found a couple boxes of ammo in back that I threw in for him. He was such a polite young man with a “yes Sir”, “no Sir” response to most questions. I’m a sucker and I don’t wanna change. 😁

I didn’t know you owned a gun shop.

Originally Posted by Geno67
Trump being classless,tasteless and clueless as usual.
Originally Posted by Judman
Sorry, trump is a no tax payin pile of shiit.
Originally Posted by KSMITH
My young wife decided to play the field and had moved several dudes into my house