Sample 6 kinds of pickles? Where do I sign up?

Things I've heard: Him:"$600 is too much, I can buy these any day for $350"
Me: "I'll buy all you can find for $450, we should partner up"
Him: Blank stare, walks away.

Actually, I must be the exception. I love gun shows. My buds and I go to a few a year and rent a table or two. Sell or trade stuff we don't need and buy different stuff we don't need.
We typically only go to a few of the small ones that we know are frequented by other hobbyists. Some of the old guys I meet know a lot of stuff. Lots of characters for sure. I
met Michigan Roadkill at Holland, MI, and one of his knives is now among my favorites. I almost always find something to buy or barter for. Some of my favorite days. Still looking for the
"Loophole". I figure if I find that, I'll be way ahead. Really, 6 kinds of pickles would get my attention.