The Supreme Law Enforcement Officer in each county is the elected Sheriff in each county across the land. The Sheriff has the legal authority to use deadly force to protect the citizen’s God given rights against ANY domestic enemy, from ANY agency, who deems they have the authority to commit any unconstitutional act.

If your Sheriff won’t use deadly force to protect your God given rights, then it is up to you to decide if you are willing to use deadly force to protect your God given FREEDOM. I said FREEDOM, because if you don’t have ARMS, you can’t have FREEDOM.

You can either put your knee pads on or load your ARMS to defend your FREEDOM.

You better know 100,000% where your Sheriff stands, but you better know 100,000% where YOU stand, because you won’t have time to call for help.

All of these feel good laws and ordinances being passed are a laughable joke to brainwash the public into believing their representatives are actually protecting them and their God given rights are intact, when the fact is, all anyone has EVER NEEDED is a copy of the contract between the government and WE THE PEOPLE.

Once that contract is severed, you have to decide if you will allow yourself to be enslaved, and many have already decided… be enslaved, and that is exactly why the country is in the position it is in.

"He is far from Stupid"

”person, who happens to have an above-average level of intelligence

– DocRocket (In reference to ElkSlayer91)