Originally Posted by CZ550
I like trail cams, especially at bear baits. Before I had them, there was a lot of guessing, reading signs and hoping for a bear to show before it got too dark. I don't use them on Crown Land (Public Land), but with permission on private land, I saw how many bears were coming to the bait(s), when, sex and sizes. It was with amazement that I saw bears coming to the bait whenever they felt like it, not just on the edge of darkness! Many "trophy size" were coming early morning or even at high noon!

Trail cams transformed my thinking about the best hours for hunting bears over baits as well as their numbers, sizes and conditions. In one season I got educated while having previously hunted them every season for a number of years with blinders on!


I remember the days before trail cameras.
if you wanted to know that time a bear was coming in, you had to use the clock with string and a pull pin. Bear would use the trail going into the bait, walk over the string and pull the pin out of the clock, stopping it. That’s how you knew the time. We’ve come a long ways in not a lot of years.