Originally Posted by MPat70
As a former CHP officer I can attest:

I had a few, after writing a ticket they would peal out slinging gravel and peppering me and the cruiser. Boom, arrest time for assaulting an officer and damaging government property. Those were always the fun ones!


Assaulting an officer? Fing really? I served on a grand jury a few years ago... we had over a half dozen "assulting an officer" cases... I think like 4 out of the 6 or so were "no-billed". Cops were complaining that a scratch on their cruiser's consituted "assault"

Gimme an effing break.

Doing that to an officer is a douch bag maneuver. Felony assault it isn't.

Sorry to you "law and order" types, but when you spend most of your adult life in a desert environment with skinny brown people trying to kill you, your appreciation for "assault" tends to have a more centered meaning.

Intellectual honesty is the most important character trait in human beings.