Good info shared! Excellent, actually. This is the info we used to see all the time here in the Africa forum so I'm glad to see it reappearing and of use to hunters new to Africa.

M3taco has included so much useful info here that if you follow what he says, you are sure not to go wrong.

The only piece of advice that I would give is that IMO the best place to become educated on what hunts are out there, what is included, what the costs would be, what their specialty is, what other animals are offered, etc. is to go the the SCI or DSC conventions at the beginning of the year. That is where all the outfits will be, or at least the best ones, and you can get all of your questions answered and compare and contrast one place to the other. Since you're looking to go in 2023, you've got time to wait until next year's conventions. The investment in time and money to attend will be well worth it. It is much easier to talk to people directly instead of trading a hundred emails back and forth with a bunch of companies. And, if you already mostly know what you're after by that time, you can often get some discounts if you book at the show.

Best of luck to you!