Originally Posted by Fireball2
that things would be fine in America, secure in your knowledge that nothing would rock the foundations of our blessed home? She was so big, so special, and the people so resilient and solid in their beliefs of right and wrong, of good and bad, she had a life of her own that lived in the hearts of the people here. Her existence was in the meat and potato folks that met at the local cafe every Thursday morning for coffee, went to church on Sunday morning, took their sick neighbor chicken noodle soup, and stopped to change a flat tire of a complete stranger just because they could. America is more than a land mass, it is an ideal. It still is and still lives in the hearts of the people. And more than 50% of them, no matter what the left tells you! If they claim 50% support you know it's far less, because they can't tell the truth if their lives depend on it. Remember that.

We always believed we were safe in America, and so did the rest of the world as people from all over fled tyranny in their home lands for the promise of peace, safety, and a chance at prosperity in America. In fact, my wife and her family literally fled full blown communism in 1986 when the government came for her dad. He had appeared on a radio show and had been critical of the fascist regime there. They got word within an hour that the government had been monitoring the radio show and were coming for him. Within hours they had fled leaving everything behind including many land holdings and extended family. He was a CEO, not just any average Joe, well-educated and positioned, but he had spoken against the government, and that was not allowed, especially on radio.

It was leave, and leave now, or be terrorized or killed by their own government. They'd seen war up close, in their town and on their street, and had seen family shot and killed right in front of them. There was no doubt the government was capable, and serious, of doing what they threatened. That can't happen in America, can it? My wife still has ptsd when she hears a big helicopter coming. Thankfully she enjoys shooting and that wasn't ruined for her.

Most of her immediate family lives in the USA now and are very successful in the medical field. Even though they're not originally from here, they personify all that is good about America. Have a dream, pursue it, work hard, and reap the rewards for your work. If only the same could be said for all that were born here. Sad so many natives have lost their way and have no idea what America is. The little antifa pukes that terrorize our cities should spend a lifetime in a communist country as punishment for their crimes against peaceful society.

I never really believed that there was a force that could come against America that would fundamentally change the deep, underlying love of freedom that guided the foundation of her. Do I need to rethink that? A portion now openly rail against her, using the very freedoms she guarantees as the platform to do it! So misguided and delusional.

Corrupt politicians have enabled it through the intentional mis-use of their authority, and the complicit press has shouted "foul" from the rooftops every time something good and wholesome is embraced or something evil is denounced. Their public service compass has clearly broke the needle off. Bad has become the new good, and virtue, vile. Not all Americans, just to a select few in a position to make all of the rest of us painfully aware of their own degradation. Remember when Obama put rainbow colors on the Whitehouse? One man spoke with his action and three hundred million had to see it. The silent majority (I hope) are still virtuous Americans. I know with all my heart that more than 50% believe deeply in American ideals, and that voting is so skewed with corruption that the numbers don't accurately reflect public sentiment or patriotism.

Stepping back and watching all this from arms length I still see the same gyrations in the threads on the campfire but find myself thinking, "more talk". The promise of this, the hope of that, but nothing materializes. They're going to arrest this person, or the court will rule this way or that, "Trump's gottem now!". But those aren't reality.

There are no overturned election "results", the courts aren't safeguarding the country, Hillary wasn't arrested, a lunatic and a power hungry whore mongrel now run the country. Out of control state governors act like mini-dictators passing restrictions on free enterprise and the ability to even make a living, over nothing but a manufactured threat.

You have to ask yourself to what end, don't you? They live here too, right? Not really, they don't live among "us". They live separated and insulated. That's a problem.

When the founding father wrote of the need for refreshing the tree of liberty, he knew full well there may be eventual need of it. Americans might have to do it since government clearly seems incapable of safeguarding the country from outside bad actors, internal corruption, or even itself.

I want to hope that the American ideal can peacefully prevail over the current evil that has entrenched itself here. May God himself bless her. Hopefully He realizes the problems we have are created by a vocal minority and that the majority are peace-loving, reverent people.

Just wanted to say some of this while I still could. We're on the road to communism with the stolen election but we haven't arrived yet. When we do, I'd be hunted down and killed for writing and posting this. I wish these antifa scum knew what they were representing.

Oh Jesus another who’s going to start the revolution while I sit at home post by firenuts.

Last edited by 79S; 03/01/21.

Originally Posted by Bricktop
Then STFU. The rest of your statement is superflous bullshit with no real bearing on this discussion other than to massage your own ego.

Suckin' on my titties like you wanted me.