Originally Posted by simonkenton7
[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]

They are good houses if they are built well, like my house. And if not built right they are bad news. An 8 foot high section of log wall will shrink about 2 inches. This must be compensated for, or your doors and windows will be busted up. Also if you have a bathroom on the second floor, you have to allow for settling for the plumbing pipes.
Run your pipe vertically into the bathroom, and then a horizontal section for several feet if copper or PVC. If you use Pex, no problem in the first place.

Most electricians won't wire a log cabin. So I wired mine by myself and I must say, I enjoy doing wiring in a log cabin. It is a lot of work, though.

Also, you can see massive roof overhangs on my house. Four feet on the gable ends. You need to keep the sunshine and rain off of the logs. Don't grow any bushes near the logs, they will trap moisture and can rot a log out.

I have vast experience in framing and building a custom log cabin like mine is easily twice the work of building frame. Maybe three times the work.

Originally Posted by roundoak

No need for excessive overhangs if you put on eave trough, down spouts, and a good preservative with UV protection.


Proper site grade for a home can be a key factor as well but what I've seen to be lost on many DIY'ers is the use of insulation baffles to create air flow and prevent ice dams in heavy snow country.

Improperly constructed and insulated eaves can cause massive wet rot to walls and roofs.

As pretty as icecicles hanging from a roofs edge my appear to some, they are a disaster and a indication of poor construction.

[Linked Image from steamatic.com]

[Linked Image from i1.wp.com]

Some spray foam guys are really bad about this, it's all but impossible to correct once it's been done.

[Linked Image from cdnassets.hw.net]

It's simple to do correctly but one has to understand what airflow is all about and how to create it.

[Linked Image from cdnassets.hw.net]

I think some build extended eaves in attempt to run away from their past problems and just create a bigger problem.

There have been many threads on this site on the topic of metal buildings and how they all condensate and leak, it's the same problem, they don't understand airflow, how much is needed and how to create it.