Thanks for the helpful comments guys.

My first hope, is to draw a bull tag in the Unit on which my property sits, which would make things easier. I'm also going to apply for a 5-month-long private-land-only cow tag there, which I can get in addition to a bull tag and which should be easier to get.

If I don't draw that bull tag, I will do OTC in the area shown above. If it's not too snowy to access the northern camp area, I likely will do that. I don't think the elk in or below that bowl will hear us coming because we would be approaching from the other side of a ridge. But, if there is too much snow to access the northern camp, we would have to come from the south. If the snow is too deep, I suppose we could access the northern camp by renting snowmobiles, but I'm not too keen on that. There's about a 50/50 chance that the northern road will be accessible based on past experience.