Originally Posted by sdgunslinger
Originally Posted by skywalker
Originally Posted by Hastings
I have taken government USDA money for projects around the place so I'm guilty and admit it, but it is still welfare and if you take it you are on the government tit. The USDA programs have been turned to the advantage of big land owners that are constantly offering to buy me out. They actually have pushed the smaller landowner (some Black) off the land.

Now that, I can respect. Kudos for honesty and transparency, both are seriously lacking these days.

so the guy is dripping with hypocrisy , bitching about farmers taking govt money for their businesses , yet he is apparently taking govt money for his hobby acreage ?

somehow I dont really respect that.............

Just pointing out that USDA programs and money have been diverted to the advantage of big businesses and used against the small farmer. The only way I survive with my less than 500 acres is to not owe any money to anyone or I would be absorbed by the big operators. Any time USDA cuts are considered companies like Walmart (food stamps), John Deere, Monsanto set up a howl to congress. Through taxes and debt we finance all sorts of corporations. I'll bet most Walmart employees kids get free Medicaid, food stamps, ebt, you name it. Same with all low wage workers. That's the way big corporations get by, we subsidize their workers big time. Yes I have taken USDA money but it is detrimental to small landowners to have these programs. Programs that were sold to "save the family farm". I'm betting most folks are going to take that $1400 "stimulus" giveaway even though we know such as that is leading to disaster for our nation. Are you going to take it?

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