Originally Posted by TRnCO
I'd have to consider the situation and most likely would come to the conclusion that if the poor guy can't walk on his own, then there's simply not a dang thing that I could do for him. It's not like you can just carry a guy down the hill to lower elevation. SO, I'd say a prayer for him and go on.
As I said before, it's an issue of how to deal with their end of life because they can't be saved. The question is how do you handle your climb and your own life in the face of a lost cause. While it's callous to walk off and leave them, there's not a thing you can do to save them. So, what do you do that you can live with the rest of your life?

β€œIn a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
― George Orwell

It's not over when you lose. It's over when you quit.