Originally Posted by LeakyWaders
Originally Posted by CashisKing
It is July 2021 and you find yourself in the streets of Minneapolis doing everything you possibly can to survive the current riots and murders that are occurring because of Chauvin's acquittal.

People have been shooting at you and throwing rocks at you for hours... as the mob moves to the other side of the street you see a potential opportunity to escape behind some dumpsters.

As you are making your exit you come across a gravely wounded antifa thug behind the dumpsters.

You have an opportunity to help this person who is begging you for help but it's virtually incoherent.

In doing so you severely risk your own escape.

Kinda the same thing?

Not at all...it's more like you're a highly trained athlete in peak physical condition who has carried just enough supplies to endure a journey to the end and turn around. Every step at altitude is a grueling task that requires all of your effort despite your physical preparedness. You come across, a person in the last stages of their life, or a 150 lbs of gold sitting on the trail...you step over the person or object, because any other burden highly jeopardizes your life and has little success in recovering the person/gold.

Josh Deets: What we doin' up here, Captain? This ain't our land.

I used to do a bit of mountaineering. The choice to take on such an epic mountain as Everest... solo...

Is fraught with arrogance, insanity and quite possibly underlying Suicidal Tendencies.

If you are not actively engaging EVERY enemy you encounter... you are allowing another to fight for you... and that is cowardice... plain and simple.