Show of hands.

How many have had covid?

Of those, how many had symptoms that were worse than a seasonal-type flu? What were your symptoms like?

I will go first.

Started off just being a bit chilled one night. Couldn't get warm and I chalked it up to a crappy motel room heater and a significant temp drop outside.

Next day had a little cough and drippy nose. That night I was definietly chilled and ended up with a fever. 30 minute scalding shower and cranking heater as high as it would go. After that, double blanket on the bed and I broke my fever in the middle of the night.

Next day, worked same as always.

Next few days I kept traveling and working. Symptoms were minimal. Didn't really realize until about 5-6 days after the fever that what I had might have been covid. About then, I lose my sense of taste and smell for over a week.

My symptoms weren't bad. I never missed a minute of work. Was really pretty minor.

Montana MOFO