I had what I thought was my annual sinus infection. Same symptoms I deal with once or twice a season it seems. The fever and chills lasted two days and as usual, let up and I was feeling better everyday. 5 days later it returned but only worse. Called dr and had several vid appts, I was being treated for another sinus infection. After a few days I went and got tested, came back 3 days later inconclusive. Follow up test came back 4 days later positive. By now I was feeling better but just weaker and tired easily, and developed a painful cough. That was end of February. I still have the cough and tire easily and a few days ago felt like I couldn't catch my breath, also started smelling second hand cigarette smoke everywhere, whether in my house, car or at work where no one was smoking. Went back to dr., normal check up and ekg were ok, but bloodwork showed a very high "d dimer'" result so I'm now waiting on a chest cat scan. If I don't talk too much or laugh the cough isn't so bad, the more I talk the cough becomes worse and more frequent. The cig smell, comes and goes, lasting for a few seconds to a few minutes. Just sucks!