Originally Posted by denton
Depends on how far you expect to be from civilization, and how big an owie you want to treat.

My range kit is tiny. It fits in a $.99 red hinged bath soap case: A couple of adhesive bandages, gauze pad, magnifier, tweezers, antibiotic ointment, cheap rubber tournequet, nitrile gloves, two naproxen sodium, and one papaya tablet. In case of a venomous sting or bite, the papaya tablet is crushed, wet, and placed on the wound.

Making your own kit is like reloading your own ammo: Less expensive, and customized to your needs.

When denton speaks, I listen. Good friend I just got off call to Canada, you save me hundreds of dollars a year.

These premises insured by a Sheltie in Training ,--- and Cooey.o
"May the Good Lord take a likin' to you"