Good for you. Sounds like fun. My buds and I get a couple tables at a small gun show once or twice per year. As mentioned, take a couple clean blankets as table covers. Take zip ties to "lock" your guns. We price items with Sharpies or ink pens on little sticky dots or with index cards folded and set up on the table. Scotch tape, a note pad and a penlight are essentials for us. I find a magnifying glass and a small tape measure helpful. I take my screwdriver kit and a rag and oil to wipe down guns. I take about $50 in small bills ($1 & $5 bills) to make change. If you sell small items, take some shopping bags for buyers. As noted by others, I typically price things a bit high as most buyers will want to dicker. Remove the detachable magazines from your guns so they don't come up missing. I keep all the supplies in a plastic ammo box that gets restocked between shows. We only do one day shows, which lessens the time away from other activities. A clean shirt a little hygiene also go a long way. Best of luck.