Originally Posted by renegade50
Originally Posted by ready_on_the_right
Jungle boots when on hard surfaces suck!!!!!

They look cool, but need to be in the Jungle..

I heard from a friend....
Seem ta have been standard redesigned issue from the late 80,s world wide and thru desert storm and then on thru the 05 06 era...
Seem ta have been standard issue for OIF 1, 2, and 3.
Urban warfare and long approach marches on roads.

Never seen anyone do 25 milers ( gut check) either with full battle rattle and sustainment ruck.

Just heard this all from a friend of course....

Never seen anyone like whole brigades and every swinging Richard in em wearing em.
Heard that from a friend also.

Never heard anyone complain about how they suck on hard pavement.
Heard that from that same guy also.

But then again your avg civilian has soft feet and no hardened heels or on the balls of their feet or their toe pads either.
That probably goes for cops also.

Anyone who has been in the light infantry knows they lose their hardened skin on the soles of their feet over time.
Heard that from the same guy also.

Mine are soft just like any soft foot average civilian or cop sitting idling in a car for most of his shift.

No wonder the sneaker boots are so popular to the tender foot types.


Totally hear ya Rene, and in fact my backup set looks exactly line the black one in your pic. Air Force issue. But I gotta admit I find thm clunky even with some nice aftermarket inner soles, and think I'll prolly head in the direction of a boot that is more sneaker-like, due to comfort issues. No I'm not a Puzzy. Nor do I frequent donut establishments. Just a swinging Richard that may well have to sprint to run down a bad guy, statistically speaking most likely to be 1/3 my age.

Carry what you’re willing to fight with - Mackay Sagebrush

Perfect is the enemy of good enough