Originally Posted by mirage243
Originally Posted by deflave
Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
Everybody’s feet are different. I tried to like the acadias and ft Lewis boots. Couldn’t do it. Rockies are always comfortable for me, but they never last a year. Been wearing Haix last couple years and so far I like them. I wore the Hathorne and Buffalo smoke jumpers for years and years, but switched over to the sneaker boots awhile back.

Also, if you're tracking people you need to wear REAL moccasins.

How much tracking skills do you need to follow KFC napkins and grape koolaid packets?

Yeah, the deflave poosie and mirage dmfk243 would be easy to track...droolers both.

Don't ask me about my military service or heroic acts...most of it is untrue.

Pronoun: Yes, SIR !