Originally Posted by Nykki
Showing Chauvin with his hands in his pockets showed me he didn't give a chit what happened. Now whether kneeling on the neck or between the shoulders , think about how hard it is to breath with weight on your back when face down. Now saying all that I think that Floyd got what was coming. But how many people would say that.

Especially when worked into a frenzy fighting the police while drugged on fentanyl and methamphetimine. Plus he had already escaped custody once. All the crimes he committed not even counting attempting to pass counterfeit currency. Just the crimes after he was pulled over. Refusal to obey the lawful command of a police officer, possession of narcotics, resisting arrest, I believe I saw some kicks and elbows flying so assault, then escape from custody. After getting him on the ground a knee in the back would not have killed an undrugged individual of reasonable health. Won’t comment on the cardiopulmonary complications reported, there is argument on that, other than to say given his life style it would be unremarkable to find both cardiac and pulmonary complications. 99% chance a heavy cigarette smoker. And the biggest arrow pointing at his participation In his own death remains his abnormal physical state brought on by fentanyl and meth injection further diminished by his self induced hyper reaction to a pending term in prison. IIRC, and I believe I do, Floyd spent more time in prison than out for the last 20 years of his life. The next time would have probably been a biggy and he knew it.

Floyd was not an angel on his way to lead Bible study as the biggest racist white hater in America, Free Suit Sharpton would have you believe. He was a drug addict that could not stay away from injectables, trouble or jail. Floyd was responsible for his own death. The officer was guilty of preventing a second escape. But that does not matter. We have lost blind justice. Preordained verdicts against violent negro criminals are politically decided by illegally elected officials. All in the name of discord, racial war, and elimination of resistance to same illegally placed politicians. Paid for by offshore funds and supported by self hating snow flakes.

The time is coming soon for radical measures. We as self organized militia and hopefully assisted by border state national guard must secure our border with Mexico. Our falsely elected officials, bought with cartel blood money will fight tooth and nail to keep open the smugglers route to fortune in America, destroying lives along the way. All lives. Then unfortunately when the invaders produce weapons against us, which will happen, many will be left to float the Rio Grande. And many of us will be dependent upon the courage of fellow Patriots to defend and protect those with which they fought to protect and preserve FREEDOM.

We must return the government of, by and for the people to what made us great. The domestic enemies of our nation must be removed and replaced. We must be made great again and we the people stand alone as the ones to accomplish the task.

May God bless our freedoms and the nation in which they are housed. And bless the battles brought to us with victory. Amen.

“When Tyranny becomes Law, Rebellion becomes Duty”

Colossians 3:17 (New King James Version)
"And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him."