Or, Three Texans and a Bostonian in South Florida headed offshore: what could possibly go wrong?

Answer: pretty much *everydamnthing*, but we still had plenty of fun and even managed to kill a few fish. I flew back into Boston last night to get back to work after 4 days of play/travel.

STX stayed on in Islamorada with the other two Texans for a few more days. Come Monday, he and his partner in crime will do the 1600 odd road miles and 24 hour shot back to Texas again, I think. Totally crazy call in my book, that. 48 hours on the road and money spent on fuel, tolls, food, crappy accommodations and more VS. a ~3.5 hour flight and done? A total no brainer for me, but as they say, 'you can tell a Texan, but you can't tell him much!' wink

Hope you boys are still hooking fish, causing trouble and still up to no good down there, Rog'. We'll be at it again soon enough. Say hey to the boys for me and safe travels, son.