Well, like ribka stated.
He don't understand the rural west.

Guys at work want to visit the Grand Canyon, Yellowstone....
Always want to fly, rent a car.
Pisses me off. They think driving is a waste of time, nothing too see.
Idiots. Every place has things to see. Every Amerrican should see our country
coast to coast, border to border, at least once.

People have no idea what's out there. Just how big the country is.
How you need a dam good day to drive across Montana.

Irish guy I know drove truck here.
Went home for awhile, and got into several actual fights in a pub
concerning driving in the US.

He was called a liar when he spoke of driving for days to cross the country.
In a country the size of Pa. They didn't understand.

Parents who say they have good kids..Usually don't!