Originally Posted by ltppowell
Why would anyone use big words when they could use little words that people understand?

Good evening to you sir, I hope the weekend treated you all fine and all who matter to you are well.

Since it's me and we've conversed enough that you'd expect this, I'll begin with a personal story.

My late father's first language was Plot Deutsch or Low German and he made it to Grade 8 before going to work somewhere else besides the Saskatchewan farm he grew up on.

That said, he encouraged us to read and learn, purchasing a set of "World Book Encyclopedia" for us kids when he really couldn't afford to do so.

As I grew and developed a passion for western history, he began to read the same books as I was and we'd discuss various things that we'd learned about the area or people we'd been reading about.

He used to tell me, "If you're not learning something Dwayne, best look around - as you're likely dead!"

All that to say sir, I read and continue to read a whole lot and have grown to love journeyman level usage of our language.

When I entered the work force, I wasn't the biggest, brightest or fastest ever sir - but - I could articulate what I knew about the subject at hand in such a way that the listener could understand and that ability served me well throughout various jobs.

At one point among my daily tasks were corresponding with medical staff, various government agencies and different professionals. In doing so, I quickly learned that if I communicated in a precise way - sometimes using words specific to that trade and situation - the company I worked for received markedly better results. Startlingly so in fact at times sir.

In summary then, I'd respectfully turn the question around and ask, "Why would anyone not want to expand their vocabulary and learn new words?"

If someone posts a word or phrase I have to look up, I personally think that's a high point as I get to learn something and then I can remember Dad and his favorite phrase for me.

As always sir, there's many roads to Mecca and this was just one Canuck's way of attempting to navigate through life, nothing more.

All the best to you and your fine family.


Last edited by BC30cal; 06/13/21. Reason: better wording - maybe???

The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"