"All this exactness and precision are useless when trying to get a point across to my wife. It is folly to try."

I wish mine would learn to use nouns and remember the names of things.

Sometimes it goes something like this:

"When are you going to fix that dangly thing?"

What dangly thing?

The one in the bedroom.

Our bedroom?


Where is it?

I told you, it's in the bedroom.

Where? In the master bath?


In the closet?


Which wall is it on? North, South, East, or West?

I don't know directions in there.

Is it across from the bed?


On your side or mine?


At this point I can go in there and look for a danglyy thing that needs some sort of fix...... smile

Last edited by las; 06/21/21.

The only true cost of having a dog is its death.