Originally Posted by Dirtfarmer
Originally Posted by DingoDuk
Dirt farmer sorry to hear about your friends wife.

Yeah, that was a bummer. The guy is a successful businessman and a retired pastor. He and his pastor son preached her funeral.

Now, you gotta be plugged in pretty tight with the Higher Power to successfully pull something like that off and do it well.

I wasn't able to go, but my Bud said it was one of the finest funerals he'd heard. It was recounted how she lived, the people she influenced during her lifetime. Reportedly her sphere of influence and her ministry were quite extensive and note worthy. Her reward is on the other side, for sure. There's gotta be Peace in that.


Well after all that, the hunt was postponed until August.

Bud, at his camp, was standing on his side by side, just having cut a limb. His brother-in-law started the vehicle, causing him to fall. He landed on a just cut limb, full weight on his hip. Went to Urgent Care, X-Rays showed non displaced Fx hip. Sent to hosp, had surg last Sunday, nail, plate and one screw. Is at home, non wt. bearing, using walker and wheel chair for 6 wks.

So, hunt again postponed. Bummer.

Well, at least his ordinance is all set up, ready to go.