Good catch jag.

Most people,with a modicum of common sense,knew that Obama,a product of the deep state,was a homosexual without a scintilla of executive experience.He allowed his puppet masters to control his every move because without them he was just another crack smoking sexual deviant.This level of corruption goes hand in hand with the Luciferian elite who rule over this nation.They choose who will be president and who will live and die.

President Trump upset their plans when he unexpectedly won the 2016 general election.They will never again underestimate the power of the people to choose their president.Time will tell if our Creator will give this nation another chance at redemption or allow these Luciferians to relegate our great nation to the dustbin of history.

Communist Goals

26. Present homosexuality and degeneracy as normal.
27. Discredit the Bible.
28. Eliminate prayer in the schools.