Originally Posted by jaguartx
Originally Posted by sportingspecialist
Jag there are some people,loosely speaking since they are cretins,who will never understand the true issues at stake.

They belong to the Demonrat/Commie/homo/pedo Party,the most prolific haters on earth,who foolishly believe if their Satanic Party wins,then they will be winners,for once in their pathetic lives.

They best get a clue.

Some are willfully aiding the cabal and others, like Jell0 brain, are just stupid mudder fughkers.

This should give the stupid a clue.

Their hero pukes of the WEF NWO cabal are spelling it out so even the dumbasses should be able to understand.

No matter what happens, complete economic breakdown, gas $15gal., needless wars, grocery stores empty, the jeffo/sickermore/greyghost/calldum/etc.etc. will not change. REALLY yes TRULY liberalism is a mental disorder.

I once employed a guy like this bunch, he'd say lefty things and Id challenge him to prove what he said, I'd prove him wrong and he'd stand there and shake his back and forth [NO]. Something in him would not let him see the truth no matter how obvious it was, he had a mental disorder to go against the grain.
I got rid of him because he was so irritating to the other employees and I.
I had to take a deep breath more than once to keep from walking over and beating the FK out of him. He was in a constant state of inner turmoil, he made himself an outcast and couldn't seem to stop doing the things that made him an outcast. I tried to help him for a while but he was so hardheaded he wouldn't listen to a word anybody said. Plus he was a sissy big baby who was always mad at someone at work, drama-queen deluxe. His girlfriend blatantly used him for money, he lived at home [26yrs old] and oftentimes on Monday he only had $15-20 to his name.

People like these campfire trolls might have money but inside their hearts and minds they're miserable to the core, bank on that !!!

PRESIDENT TRUMP 2024/2028 !!!!!!!!!!

Posted by Bristoe
The people wringing their hands over Trump's rhetoric don't know what time it is in America.