The Biden/Newsome protest has grown well over 1,000 people in Long Beach, Ca. Aside from the invited attendees, no other visible support for Governor Newsome or President Biden outside the event.

President Trump Supporters At Newsome/Biden Rally

Protesters have arrived to protest the arrival of Biden and Newsom at the Long Beach City College.

F u c k Biden

Americans are waking up to the truth that President Trump won the 2020 Election.

[Linked Image from]

Biden’s Motorcade Booed by Huge Mob of President Trump Supporters at Long Beach City College

[Linked Image from]

Biden’s motorcade BOOED massively by Patriots at Long Beach City College
ChinaJoe Biden BOOED By Patriots,

Communist Goals

26. Present homosexuality and degeneracy as normal.
27. Discredit the Bible.
28. Eliminate prayer in the schools.