Originally Posted by Jim1611
If the democrat party has it's way we'll all be slaves.

They call it taxes. The power to tax citizens is the power to own the fruit of their labor. Just got a bill for four grand. However many weeks/ months that takes is slavery to those providing me with no goods or services.

To a degree we are slaves in the sense that our properties have been stolen by the states. Now we are forced to pay a yearly rent or tribute to them. Same goes for transportation. There's half a dozen taxes on automobiles and fuel..

I've talked to dark skinned Americans who had a chip on their shoulder about "my" ancestors.
The thing is that my ancestors never owned slaves.
Some of them were from a country from which the term slave was derived. It isn't in Africa either. The Slavs were slaves.
Here's some interesting history.


Last edited by Happy_Camper; 07/24/21.