Good afternoon to you sir, thanks for the story from the production shop.

I've had a couple instances at work where after the fact I found out employees had done time for killing someone.

As you say, some folks have a fuse and maybe a broken off switch, you know?

I knew this chap as a friend of a friend sort of thing, well enough that we'd recognize each other and say hello, but not much more. He was a pretty good sized fellow but had a quiet voice and was super polite whenever I'd talked to him.

Anyways buddy always said you didn't want to get this fellow rolling in a scrap because his off switch was broken. He especially had an issue where women were concerned.

Fast forward a couple years out of high school and this fellow sees a guy beating on a woman on the sidewalk.

He stops his car, rolls down the window and suggests the guy stop doing that.

The fellow said - more or less - "Why don't you come over here and make me?"

Buddy got out and beat him to death on the sidewalk then and there.

I want to say he did manslaughter and not much of it at that as he was a model prisoner and the guy he'd killed was a malignant rectal orifice/known to police sort of societal specimen.

I don't believe I've seen him since then, but imagine he'd still be a quiet and polite fellow to me, but admittedly that's a guess.

Anyways, there's as close a story as I'll put onto the ether space for Jud. wink

All the best all.


The most important stuff in life isn't "stuff"