Originally Posted by Old_Toot
Originally Posted by MontanaCreekHunter
Confiscation would be way too expensive and time consuming. Barring the sale would be the way they would go if at all. Which would still leave investors the option to sell privately. Now finding potential private buyers might become hard to do.

As far as Crypto goes...... It's here to stay in some fashion or another. El Salvador has made BTC an official currency, I see other countries following suit soon. There are Crypto ATM's in both America and Europe already. Coinbase has a Crypto Debit Card. Do I think Crypto will be the same in a few years as it is today? No, it will continue to advance, change, and get stronger. BUT!!!!!!!! The governments will figure out a way to regulate and tax it.

Goldman Sachs recently got into the crypto markets as have other large investments houses.

Yes Sir as has a bunch of strong Hedge Funds.

Eat Fish, Wear Grundens, Drink Alaskan.