Originally Posted by Dustyone
Originally Posted by TBREW401
POS Pelosi said, back when the muslim was in office---" those 401's are our money, we will just go take them"

You believe she doesn't think that way now?

Not going to happen because the dumocrats own them too.

Just think

There isn't a Dem alive that doesn't think that whatever fascist dictator they put up there and the rules and things that come from them don't apply to them. The reason they all clamor for this is they believe they're different, they'll be part of the ruling class and not part of the peasantry.

Also - Dems tend to believe whatever they're told - not great thinkers, if they were, they wouldn't be Dems so if Pelosi tells them "its for your own good" - they'll believe it and keep voting Dem. Sorta like how the poor have for generations but nothing changes for them...
