Originally Posted by Dustyone

So you do not care if the forest are cut down and all the animals in the forest go extinct. Great idea. So actually every responsible hunter is also an environmentalist as they know the needed relationship between the environment and the hunt

I am an Environmentalist.
I heat my house with wood instead of Electricity generated by Coal Generating Plants.
I am For cleaning up all of the dead wood in the forests instead of leaving it to burn uncontrollably Harming Nature.
I am for the Gooberment reversing their regulations on durable goods back to the 15 to 20 year life span that products use to have before they reduced it to 5 years.
This right here would slow down the creation of Chemical Pollution pumped into our Air and Water with things lasting longer so we do not have to replace them so soon after they are manufactured.
I am for Hunting to control the population of some animals so they do not become over populated and Starve during the winter.
And The Biggest Environmental item of all.
I am for Killing the Unruly Law Breakers that think that they have rights over everyone else and Create a Blight on Society.
Killing these 2 legged animals would cut down on Human over population and create fertilizer to grow more plants to generate Oxygen for the entire Earth.

I am an Environmentalist in many other was as well.