Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
Originally Posted by lvmiker
An environmentalist is a developer that already has a house in Aspen.

mike r

Or a Prarie Reservist with a land development business in Bozeman.

That reminds me of my old neighborhood in CA, which was right on the border of the Oakland and Berkeley hills (i.e., the most progressive place on earth). Most of the people who lived there were Prius driving, save the whales, end global warming, blah blah blah extremists. They also were extreme hypocrites when it came to their own comfort and pleasure.

A wildfire killed a lot of people and did a lot of property damage in the area about 30 years ago and many people blamed the trees. So while these people were telling everyone else to go back to the stone age to save the planet, they were trying to get the state and federal governments to clearcut all the trees in the hills and they started an activist movement to force the clearcutting to take place immediately.

I asked a few of them how they reconciled their extreme green credentials with their desire to clearcut a forest in an urban area and they said it was all about saving lives. They never could explain why their lives were more important than the lives of the trees, the squirrels in the trees, the birds in the trees, the deer in the woods, etc. So to help them out, I started writing responses to the EPA, the CA environmental board and everyone else they were writing to and I pointed out that the fuel load in a typical 3000 sq ft luxury house in the Berkeley/Oakland hills was way more dangerous than the innocent trees, and if saving lives and preventing fires was so important the first step should be to eliminate houses from anywhere that is wooded.

They really didn't appreciate the points I was making and I just kept responding with their own arguments about climate change and the importance of saving the planet. Last I heard, the trees were still there.

Eliminate qualified immunity and you'll eliminate cops who act like they are above the law.