Originally Posted by Dustyone
Originally Posted by funshooter
Originally Posted by Dustyone

So you do not care if the forest are cut down and all the animals in the forest go extinct. Great idea. So actually every responsible hunter is also an environmentalist as they know the needed relationship between the environment and the hunt

I am an Environmentalist.
I heat my house with wood instead of Electricity generated by Coal Generating Plants.
I am For cleaning up all of the dead wood in the forests instead of leaving it to burn uncontrollably Harming Nature.
I am for the Gooberment reversing their regulations on durable goods back to the 15 to 20 year life span that products use to have before they reduced it to 5 years.
This right here would slow down the creation of Chemical Pollution pumped into our Air and Water with things lasting longer so we do not have to replace them so soon after they are manufactured.
I am for Hunting to control the population of some animals so they do not become over populated and Starve during the winter.
And The Biggest Environmental item of all.
I am for Killing the Unruly Law Breakers that think that they have rights over everyone else and Create a Blight on Society.
Killing these 2 legged animals would cut down on Human over population and create fertilizer to grow more plants to generate Oxygen for the entire Earth.

I am an Environmentalist in many other was as well.

The forest grows out of dead decayed wood, if you invade the forest and take away all the composting material the forest dies. Also a scrubbed coal plant emits less toxins than your wood fire that vents uncontrolled

I make sure that I burn a lot of wood in the winter.
It feeds the trees CO2 that they live on and then they in return transform it into O2 that we breath.
Tell Northern Commyfornia right now how great it is to leave to much dead stuff in the Forest.
I know people that live in the mountains in Southern Commyfornia and have had their homes burned out by fires.
because of the dead fall created by the bark beetles killing over populated trees.
The Mountains can only support so many trees with ground water and they need to thin the trees out to make the remaining trees healthy Commyfornia will not let them so the entire system is strained.

Up at my property in Arizona the State is Mandating the clear cutting of entire square miles of State Trust property's.

The Free Range Rancher up in our area is the one being paid to do the cutting.
He leaves the dead carcasses as they call them of the Ceder trees laying where they cut them.
He also holds the Harvest Permit to use the trees for what ever (fire wood , construction material etc.) and he will not allow anyone to move the dead trees.
He says that the dead trees are not a fire hazard That is BS a dead dyed up tree is a 100 times more dangerous than a live Cedar tree.
He says that the dead trees create microorganisms that will create grass lands for his Free Range Cattle.
They have been Clear Cutting now for over 5 years and No Grass No Additional Visible plant life anywhere.
All the Dead trees have done is in the thunderstorms they have washed down steam and plugged our Road Culverts and even wiped out sections of our roads so people can not get in or out of the property's.

The dead trees are also safe havens for the Mice and Rats up in our area that destroy property and crops.

With the influx of people in and out of natures areas there needs to be management and they tax us to manage the forests.
Letting them over grow to natures unsustainable levels is not healthy for the Forests.
Only Moron City Folks think other wise.

We use to be able to go camping in the mountains and gather wood for open fires. This helped clean up the dead fall so that if a fire got started there was less fuel to spread the fire
Do this in Commyfornia and you get a ticket and or arrested.
We need to leave some dead fall on the ground but with the introduction of the Bark Beatles into this country and all of the trees they kill we need to cull out some of those trees for the health of the forests.