Originally Posted by TheBigSky
Originally Posted by goalie
He said I was not promoted.

He said I was sent to work at home due to vaccine status.

He said my salary was not >$100,000 base pay.

I've offered to prove each point for a $1,000 bet on each point.

He's being a puzzy and not responding, despite saying stuff like this in the past:

I'm going to go out on a limb and assert that he didn't provide any basis for his assertions. Isn't anonymity great on the internet? Isn't it great that so many of us make assertions through the protection of the computer screen that we would not make to someone's face? Good grief, it's not like you claimed that you walked on the sun without burning your feet or getting a tan. Holy crap!!!

You are correct.

He was trying to make my working from home a bad thing. You know, because I'm the one scared of covid.......
