Originally Posted by Gregor
Un jabbed. Was at work and got sore body aches. Went to work and toughed it out. That was Friday and Saturday. Went to get checked out early the next week. Got swabed and came back Covid-19 confirmed on Saturday. Dr. did video conference and prescribed medication. Said to stay inside and let it run its course. My Cousin is in San Diego in the health care industry. She hadn't heard from me as well as the postal carrier was concerned alond with my neighbors.

I awoke to emergency personnel in my bedroom asking me if I was who I was. Was very confused and out of it. Sharon had them Jimmy the door to get in. Ended up being conveyed by ambulance to the emergency room.

Have low oxygen levels, blood clots, and bacteria pneumonia. Trying to fight this. Never dreamed this would occur. Think this Covid-19 is bs until it hit me hard.

Appreciate the nice comments. I have learned alot from you fellows over the years, overall good people

Seek medical attention at the first sign of a cold, because the medication works better up front. It takes several days to getbthe body aches after you have it. At least that is my experience

I got banned on another web site for a debate that happened on this site. That's a first