Gregintenn: Get ready for non-stop low stress opportunities for fun and relaxation.
My working life was so hectic it was indeed a bit tough to learn how to slow down and learn how to relax and treat myself EVERYDAY - not just on the occasional weekend day but EVERYDAY!
The second hardest thing I had to get used to was my retirement checks coming every month along with my social security and investment checks - and I was just enjoying myself all the time and this money just keeps rolling in.
I hope you have a long, fruitful, enjoyable and healthy retirement.
And I swear this is true - if I had known how wonderful "retirement" would be, I would have retired 4 years earlier when I first became eligible.
I am in my 24th full year of retirement now and its been heaven on a no-stress earth for me.
Congratulations to you, are in order.
Hold into the wind