Dunno what some of you fellas know or don't know about scatterguns, but I'll pass this along FWIW and you are free to use whatever you want to defend your castle.

- In general terms rifles/pistols are aimed with sights whereas shotguns are aimed instinctively. Moving targets compound the matter a bit and presumably some residential engagements will involve poor light and close quarters. In such circumstances instinctive shooting has an advantage.

- The primary objective in self defense actions is to disable your attacker, first and foremost. Inside the typical residential dwelling 30-40' is a "long" shot. Shotgun patterns at this range will hover in the 6-12" range depending on many variables. This provides a higher probability of a hit than a single projectile. A hit anywhere on a perp with a load of birdshot will cause, at the very least, a major distraction for the invader. In the gut, torso, head or extremities you will be rewarded with a conversion to wailing little girl mode, or perhaps just the sound of silence. At those distances a torso/facial hit will prove totally debilitating in the least. It is a desirable outcome unencumbered by the need for sights, lights or other BS.

- It is possible that one may have family residing in the residence and I must ask if anyone thinks that shot will carry thru drywall/studs as vigorously as a rifled projectile? Do you know for certain where your kids are once this begins to unfold? I know some kids are brats and often a nuisance, but it is doubtful you want them dead. Likewise, perhaps you have neighbors. Want to shoot thru your frame home wall(s) and theirs for a double? I doubt it.

- If the battle moves to the great outdoors you will find that heavy birdshot still leaves a serious mark out to as far as 40-60 yards, depending on a number of variables such as shot size/choke. Center a pattern on a bad guy's belly button and he won't be much of a bother after the fact, even at longer distance.

- Riddle me this: While providing support for infantry units n 'Nam I saw a large percentage of patrol point men using Win. Model 12s stuffed with buckshot. They could have carried M16s but chose otherwise. Why do you think they did that? A similar thought arises re: hog hunting in the USA. My Ithaca 37 20 ga whacked three hogs with one load of #3 buck....3 times and I'm not talking about shoats. In every case the shot passed thru the target and snuffed hogs in the background. If one chose buck for home defense they might want to keep that in mind. No tracking was required. Round shot penetrates better than most might imagine.

- If one has no real experience with shotguns they likely will fare better with a pistol or rifle of some sort, but my observation is that most folks have little understanding of the lethality of shotguns. 00 Buck is over rated by most based on emotions rather than reality and smaller shot offers many advantages, not the least of which is a favorable outcome, be it for hunting or self defense. Oh, one last thing. Up close and personal, a shotgun will put the most awesome hole in the bad guy. Hollywood almost has that figured out properly.

I am..........disturbed.

Concerning the difference between man and the jackass: some observers hold that there isn't any. But this wrongs the jackass. -Twain