Originally Posted by OldmanoftheSea
Originally Posted by Bluedreaux
Shotguns are heavier, longer, recoil more, hold less ammo, are slower to reload, and slower to fire. They’re a disadvantage in every objectively measurable way.

The only reason they’re popular is from pure nostalgia. If they were introduced for the first time tomorrow they wouldn’t be considered viable by any reasonable person, for all the reasons listed above.

The only potential positive is that the shots spreads out so you *theoretically* don’t have to aim them as precisely.

Which is another way of saying “When I don’t aim it at the bad guy, and sometimes when I do, I send buckshot careening through my house at who-knows-what”……Which isn’t an advantage at all.

well one selling point often touted by the salesmen is less wall penetration (I.e. flying thru the next room) by pellets that go wide of the target..

That is entirely dependant upon ammo choice. A .223/5.56 with the right ammo is no more a threat of over penetration than a shotgun. In fact, that .223/5.56 round is most likely safer indoors than a hollow point bullet from a service pistol caliber like 9mm, .40 or .45 ACP.

Every normal man must be tempted, at times, to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin slitting throats.