Originally Posted by SandBilly
I’d bet he was acting normal, like the dumbass he is and thought he’d be funny, shooting them both at very close range.

Thought they’d all have a laugh. F’n idiot.

There are going to be two central questions. One. How did a projectile (bullet) get into Baldwin's gun, and two, What in the world was Baldwin doing, aiming the gun at the director and cinematographer, and pulling the trigger TWICE???!!

If it can be shown that Baldwin loaded a couple of real cartridges in the gun and then aimed at the two victims and fired twice, then he can very definitely be charged with at least, First Degree Manslaughter. Plus, the families of the two victims are going to take Baldwin, the film company, and the studio to the cleaners. Big bucks are going to change hands in this incident, guarandamntee you of that.



"Always go straight forward, and if you meet the devil, cut him in two and go between the pieces." (William Sturgis, clipper ship captain, 1830s.)