So you have no idea what happened because you were not an on the scene witness but believe the msm which contstantly misrepresents stories every day to get hits??

I guess the terms “evidence “. and “ complete investigation” means nothing to a seasoned law enforcement veteran like you. Lol

Go grab your defund the police BLM banners and start looting stores in your ghetto to get justice for this poor brown skinned disadvantaged baby with a father who engages in the criminal lifestyle.

Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by PaulBarnard
Originally Posted by rainshot
The operative word here is "attitude" and with adults with attitude problems I can see why pepper spray was used. Would they prefer Bullets instead? We continue to have lots of officers killed by people with "Attitude" problems here and with the invasion we have a very real problem on our hands.

I don't know to what degree "attitude" was displayed or what "attitude" even means in this case. I will say that if a cop can't handle a heavy load of lip service, he's in the wrong business.

Paul in your long career in law enforcement how many felony arrests did you make, write up, testify in court?

I forgot. thanks

Stay on topic. What do felony arrests have to do with taking lip service? I took plenty of lip service. I never pepper sprayed anyone for it either. How many times have you pepper sprayed someone for giving you lip service?

I sometimes purposefully leave the masses stewing over what I don't say here, but this time I'll save all of you the tears. If by "attitude" the father meant non-compliance, then all bets are off.

Last edited by ribka; 10/22/21.