Originally Posted by Jim_Conrad
I totally understand why people don't buy in bulk.

When we used to buy meat we would get a tough half once in a while.

It's miserable trying to finish a bad half or even a bad whole beef.

The one thing that the big packers have down pat is consistency. Their product is no where near as good as mine....but it's still pretty damn good. And it's good every time......and when ever you want it. By the piece!

Sales last a week in local stores here

I’ll get little something every day. Mix up the lot numbers.

I do get a tough pork shoulder 1/10 sometimes. You know it’s gonna be a bad one when the bone wont give after 10 hours.
Chunk that one up and into the crock pot, dress it up for the inlaws 😃
They gnaw on anything and love it.