Oldest daughter and SIL both have full time jobs, but run 50-60 momma cows on the side. SIL had a bunch of co-workers bugging him to sell them beefs for the freezer last year during Covid. They set up and coordinated slaughter and butcher for 8-10 animals last year. As Jim and others noted, a lot of work to line up the killer, open dates with processor, ready and willing cash buyers. However, they made enough extra over the stock yards last year, that they sold about double the number to private slaughter this year.

Grandson is in one of the animal science programs at Morehead. Daughter and grandson are working on the SIL to feed 'em out a bit longer on grain to improve the finish. Neighbor is a butcher. He said the carcass they hung before mine should grade at least choice based on back fat and internal organ fat covering. FWIW, approximately $0.30-$0.40 of my $5.00 per pound is 21 day hang time in the cooler to allow tenderizing...