Originally Posted by antelope_sniper
Originally Posted by Ranger_Green
Originally Posted by BillyGoatGruff
We married because it was expected of us by family. And it felt like the right thing to do, but ultimately it was for everyone else not us. We were in love and committed to each other already, the marriage ceremony didn’t change any of that. But then again, I didn’t want my kids to be bastards. I did my homework and fully vetted my bride. It wasn’t hard, we both came from traditional families. She had every quality I had set in my mental application. No retards or mongoloids in the family, no known history of genetic defects. Wasn’t a whore, solid work ethic, good morals, light colored eyes, wasn’t stupid, would stand up to me and anyone else, wanted a family, and she was pretty.

So, it was you that took the best one.....

How are women in my age bracket like parking spots at a mall?

The Good Ones are already taken. All that is left is either Handicapped or Way Out there.

Quit looking at women in your age bracket.

That's only fair, women sure aren't looking within their own age bracket.

One of the things that seems to escape most men is the fact that any healthy (physically and mentally) male with a work ethic will be stalked like a 7 point bull elk during rifle season in an over the counter unit by the female of the species. Almost all stink of desperation.. They have bought into the myth of the "women can have everything" narrative, and refuse to acknowledge that they can't, anymore than males.

Sic Semper Tyrannis