Originally Posted by Idaho_Shooter
Originally Posted by Spotshooter
I listened to a NPR podcast on “ the hookup culture” that apparently is in colleges now, wow what a mess.

For me, college was forty five years ago. Even in the mid seventies college kids were trading out for a new partner every week for the slutty guys and every month for slutty girls.

One Sophomore guy made a bet with his dorm buddies that he could screw six different Co-eds before Homecoming. He let the other guys listen in on the dorm intercom to verify his claims. He won the bet.

Upperclassmen stood in line to view the incoming Freshman girls and had a list already made which told which ones were the daughters of Ministers. "PKs were identified and cut from the herd like crippled antelope.

Horny kids have been horny kids for thousands of years. Human nature really does not change much.

Though, talking to parents of young kids today, three ways, sodomy, and orgies seem to be a lot more popular today among High School and College kids than I ever heard about in my youth.

Didn't go to college in Nampa, did you?

Eagles may soar, but a weasel never got sucked into a jet turbine!