Big roll of bills fell out of a biker chicks jeans going up the state hwy between Riverton and Dubois. There was a biker band concert at Red Rocks and they were flocking in there for a concert. Some band I'd never heard of, Stepping Wolf? Anyway it was a Saturday morning and I was pulling a boat with my 4 cyl Ranger PU. Pulled the truck over and walked back to the big roll of bills laying on the pavement. Picked it up and unrolled it to see how much. Wasn't as big as it looked. All $1's. Had a good laugh. Thought I'd hit the lottery. Went up the road after them but there were too many bikers to figure out who dropped it. Think it was $12 total. Bought a sammich and bag of chips in Dubois and caught a few trout at Trail lake. Good day!

God Bless America