Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by hillestadj
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Originally Posted by Blackheart
Originally Posted by Beaver10
Blacky, do you think you would be successful as a teacher in this current academic climate?

I’d say, no fûck’n way!

If you’re a conservative teacher, you’re hunted, not only by other liberal teachers, but the liberals children your are trying to teach, who also hate you because their parents and friends hate conservatives.

Don’t forget the liberal school boards who won’t stand up for you because of your values. But, will fire your ass in a heartbeat.

As a big, tough conservative, you’re a pariah to all of them. You gonna make a change in that culture? Doubt it !

My brother is a conservative teacher in New York and has been for 30 years. My best friend was a conservative teacher in New York and retired from teaching 5 years ago. Guess they have bigger balls than most conservatives. I personally am not a people or peoples rotten kids person and would maim or kill somebody in short order if I had to put up with them.

One could argue that getting into teaching 30 years ago isn’t the same animal compared to the hostility teachers face today if they speak out against new school policies or changes in curriculums, that don’t actually teach anything, other than reverse racism.

My brother still puts up with it every fuggin day and yes, he gets in trouble repeatedly for speaking out against liberal policies. It was very liberal here back when he started. If more conservatives had the balls to do it, instead of just bitching about how liberal dominated it is, they wouldn't be so out numbered. Imagine how different things might be if conservatives actually dominated the education system.

Huge brass balls keeping their head down until they can collect the pension. They are not affecting any change in the district - rest assured.
You don't know shyt as is usual for your stupid, mouthy ass. Both my brother and my buddy have gotten several students interested in hunting/shooting over the years and have actually taken students out hunting. They've also introduced many students to conservative values/policies that would never have heard such things if not for them. It may not be much but it's a fuuck of a lot more of an effect than your mouthy ass or any of the other whiners in this thread has had.

That’s a pretty broad painting stroke Blacky, with the remark about “whiners on this thread”. Yeah, I never taught a class. I’ve coached small ball thru American Legion BB. Hunted and fished with many young hunters who’s dad didn’t hunt or fish, or they didn’t have a dad. A few have become solid individuals, a few, not so much.

Was extremely active in Oregon’s Firearm Federation fighting for gun rights, concealed carry, and trying to defeat liberal legislation to remove firearms from the hands of law abiding citizens. Spent a small fortune educating other peoples children. Donated more money to organizations that actually used the money to feed the elderly and poor kids whose parents were either non-existent or fûck’n losers.

I’ve done more than just prattle on here about such things...I’ve played the game. And players earn the right to speak their mind.


Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog
“Molon Labe”